Apostle Smith is a fresh voice in the Kingdom of God today. He is the senior pastor of New Covenant Church , a mufti-cultural, multiracial, non-denominational church in Northwest Ohio. Apostle Smith is ordained through the Christian International Network of Churches, under the covering of Bishop Bill Hamon. God has anointed him to teach, to preach, and to release the saints in the area of the apostolic, the prophetic, and deliverance. Through his study of the Word, Apostle Smith strives to bring a fresh, exciting word to the Body of Christ. His cutting edge messages often bring deliverance to the people who hear.
Pastor Beverly Smith is a tremendous force in women's ministry today. She is a woman of purpose, plan, and destiny. As an ordained minister of the gospel under the covering of Christian International founded by Bishop Bill Hamon, she co-pastors New Covenant Church with her husband Apostle O. Michael Smith.
Pastors Pete and Esther Flores have a vision for the church, the city, and the world. "New Hearts, New Minds, New People" if the body of Christ can get back to the value of family we as believers can make an impact in our homes, our work place and our city.
The pastors are not strangers to the struggles that life can handle and the are a living testimony of the restoration that God can and will do if we allow him to do so.
Peter and Esther have 3 Children Peter 24, Chachi 18 and Bella 16, they enjoy ministering to all the NCC family that God has placed in thier lives.